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This Thursday, join us in Sacramento for the "No on ACA7" State Capitol Tour!

The California Legislature has resumed the legislative session and ACA7 is in active committee process now. Therefore, it is imperative that you take action NOW to help us defeat ACA7 in the State Senate.

On this Thursday (02/15), the “No on ACA7” campaign delegation will go to the California State Capitol urge California state senators to reject ACA7. We hope you will join us on that day.

Members of our delegation, along with representatives from our growing coaltion (including the Pacific Legal Foundation, the San Diego Asian Americans for Equality, the Silicon Valley Chinese Association, and Equal Rights for All PAC), will meet at 9:30 am at the State Capitol (10th and L Streets, Sacramento, CA 95814). Then, we will walk from door to door to state senators’ offices and give out materials related to our “No on ACA7” cause.

If you live in or near Sacramento, I encourage you to participate in our capitol tour and join our efforts to defeat racial discrimination in California. We will be giving away some “No on ACA7” T-shirts (pictured below) during the tour. Please reply to this email to let us know if you would like to join us.

You can find directions to the State Capitol Building here.To further support our campaign, you can also:

  1. Donate to the No on ACA7 campaign and help us expand our reach.
  2. Email California state senators.

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, 02/15 at the State Capitol!


Frank Xu

(858) 215-1162