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Wall Street Journal columnist opposes ACA7! Please sign and circulate our petition.


I thought you'd like to read William McGurn's column in today's Wall Street Journal opposing ACA7. It's terrific.

We have a decent chance to stop ACA7 in the Senate, so that it never reaches the ballot. But we need your help. Please sign our petition and circulate it to your friends. Now, not later, is the time to pour it on. Telephone senatorsand tell them you oppose ACA7. If you're shy about calling, place your calls after hours and leave a message. If the written word is more your style, send emails or letters through the U.S. Mail. But please don't delay. Our best shot at stopping ACA7 in its tracks is to make sure every single state senator knows now how we feel. The next few weeks are crucial. The longer we wait, the harder it will be to stop.

Thank you! And have a happy and prosperous 2024!

Gail Heriot

p.s. If you'd like to make a donation you can do it here. We at the "No on ACA7" campaign are volunteers. We don't make a nickel on this. But our social media campaign does cost money, so we could use a little help.

Read the full text.


Frank Xu

(858) 215-1162